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A poetic word for BREATH OF LIFE.
An invigorating impulse, that brings out momentum and creativeness.
Source of Impulse:
„Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life [odem], and the man became a living creature.“
Genesis 2,7
As musicians we need inspiration to liven up.
Inspiration is the odem of music.
Guitars that set new impulses to boost your creative work.
The language of music
The gift of music enables us to speak a language that communicates directly with the heart. With our guitars we support musicians to unleash their potential by providing the right tool to do so: A guitar that inspires.
The inspiration of thoughts
The moment of inspiration...
odem Guitars is dedicated to create those moments.
The infinity symbole
As part of the logo and word odem this symbol reflects the loop of inspiration we follow: get an impuls, create something new, inspire others.